The research team
Current Members

Lucas Pereira, PhD
lucas.pereira (at)
Scholar Citations
Lucas Pereira received his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Madeira, Portugal, in 2016. Since then, he is at ITI/LARSyS, where he leads the Further Energy and Environment research Laboratory (FEELab). Since 2019 he is an Assistant Researcher at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST). Lucas’s research applies data science, machine learning, and human-computer interaction techniques to structured and unstructured data streams to address real-world problems focusing on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). His current research focuses on future energy systems, and sustainable built environments (SDGs 7, 11, 12, 13), and typically involves the real-world deployment and evaluation of non-intrusive monitoring technologies and intelligent software systems.

Hugo Morais, PhD
hugo.morais (at)
Scholar Citations
Hugo Morais received BSc. and MSc. degrees from the Polytechnic of Porto in 2005 and 2010, respectively, and a Ph.D. degree in 2012 from the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, all in the field of the electric power system. He is a senior researcher at INESC-ID and an Associate Professor at the University of Lisbon. His research interests are in the development and deployment of smart grid methods and tools. He participates in the definition of operational planning tools used by the French DSO and the development of hardware-agnostic solutions based on IEC standards to be used to control distributed energy resources. He also works actively in the development of strategies for electric mobility integration in power systems.

Rui Castro, PhD
rcastro (at)
Scholar Citations

Gonçalo Morais, BSc
Research Assistant and MSc (at)
Gonçalo Morais is a final year student of MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, in the field of control, robotics and artificial intelligence, from Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal. In nexIK, the tasks are focused on resource monitoring, implementation and maintenance of the data collection systems. Ongoing work involves updating the monitoring systems and disaggregating water consumption.

Ana Oliveira, BSc
Research Assistant and MSc Studentana.g.oliveira (at)
Ana Oliveira is a final year student of MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, in the field of energy, from Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal. Her final thesis is focused on modeling and optimization of nexIK load’ flexibilities. The tasks also involve reconciling flexibilities with production and storage of energy.

Miriam Ribeiro, BSc
Resarch Assistantmiriamribeiroalves (at)
Miriam Ribeiro is a bachelor student in Environmental Engineering at Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo in Brazil and an exchange student at Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon in Portugal. Her work in this project is to develop and validate a taxonomy related to industrial kitchens using data provided by restaurants located throughout Lisbon.

Toni Garcês
Research Intern2081620 (at)
Toni Garcês is a bachelor student in Informatics Engineering at University of Madeira. His role is the project will be the design and development of user interfaces for the water-energy nexus in Industrial Kitchens.

Márcio Romero, BSc
Master Studentmarcio.r.lourenco17 (at)
Márcio Romero is a final year student of MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, in the field of energy, from Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal. His final thesis is primarily concerned with modeling IK devices in terms of their mode of operation and electricity consumption. Another contribution is the application of said models to flexibility services.
Former Members

Vasco Andrade, BSc
Research Assistantvasco.andrade (at)
Vasco Andrade is a final year student of MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, in the field of energy, from Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal. His work in this project is focused on the forecast of electric load and consumption. The ongoing work consists in evaluating forecast models accuracy for predictions in IK.

Ricardo Martins, MSc
MSc Studentr.pedrasmartins (@)
Ricardo Martins has a Master Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal. He worked for 6 years as a structural engineer of steel structures where among other developments he gained domain knowledge about instrumentation systems from application to analysis. Since 2020 he is a student of the Master Degree in Data Science from IST with this final thesis focusing in developing data-driven simulations of electricity and water demand.

Catarina Rolim, PhD
Postdoccatarina.rolin (at)
Scholar Citations
Catarina Rolim has a degree in Psychology, in the field of Educational Psychology from the Institute of Applied Psychology in Lisbon (five-year degree) and a Ph.D. in Sustainable Energy Systems from Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal. Her main research has focused on the sustainable development of cities, considering the citizens’ important role in this transformation. Her research topics are citizen engagement in the design and implementation of new services and technologies, willingness to adopt new solutions and, behaviour change and its consequent energy and environmental impacts.